Friday, April 12, 2013

Answer to 4th Grade Math

Introduction about answer to 4th grade math:

In mathematics, the following topics are covered under 4 th grade, these 4th grade mostly deals with the number system, algebra terms, basic geometry shapes and their way of solving techniques , order of operations. Now, here we are going to discuss about the different type of problems and their answers.

Description to answer to 4th grade math:

The following areas are covered under the 4th grade  math:

Natural Numbers

The natural numbers are normal numbers which starts with 1,2,3…we can call these numbers as a counting numbers.

Even and odd numbers

When a number is divisible by 2 then its called as even number and the remaining numbers are all odd numbers.

Even numbers are 2,4,6… and odd numbers are 1,3,5…


Fraction is looking line division operation in which the denominator is always less than the numerator and this is a proper fraction. For example: 6/3.The opposite of proper fraction is called improper fraction. For example 5/7. Here we have another type of fraction is said to be mixed fraction. A mixed fraction is a combination of whole number and proper fraction, for example 5 8/4

Algebraic equation

It can be any equation with the arithmetic operation operators.

Algebraic expression

Here we have the different term with the different sign and operations.

Geometry shapes:

In 4th grade we have lot of geometry shapes like square, rectangle, circle, etc….

Problems with answers to 4th grade math:

Some of 4th grade math problems with answers:

Example 1:

Solve: 5( 4+1) – 9 + 3( 7 ) + 26


5( 4+1 ) – 9 + 3( 7 ) + 26

=  5( 5 ) – 9 + 21 + 26

=  25 - 9 + 47

=  63

Example 2:

Simplify : 4/12 +5/15


4/12+6/12 = 4+6/12



Example 3:

Simplify:      5( x + 6 )  =  65


5( x + 6 )  =  65

5x + ( 5 x 6 )  =  65

5x + 30  =  65

5x   =  35

x   =  7

Example 4:

Martin bought a bike  for 40 and he sold it for 47. calculate the gain?


Original cost price of bike =  $ 40

sold price of bike =  $ 47

Gain  =  sold price - Cost Price

=  47 - 40

=  $ 7

So he the gain as $7.

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