Friday, May 3, 2013

Free Math Practice Integers

Introduction to free math practice integers:

An integer is a set of whole numbers. Whole numbers above zero is said to be positive integers denoted as ‘+’ sign and whole numbers below zero is said to be negative integers denoted as ‘-‘. An integer with zero is said to be neither negative nor positive and it does not have any sign in math. Here, integers can be performed with four basic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The positive integers can be written with or without the sign. Let us see free math practice integers in this article.

Practice Integer Problems - Practice Adding Integers in Math

Adding same signed free Integers:

Example 1:

15 + 9


The absolute value of 15 and 9 is 15 and 9. Put the positive sign before the result.

15 + 9 = 24

Example 2:

(-5) + (-7)


The absolute value of -5 and -7 is 5 and 7. Put the negative sign before the result.

(-5) + (-7) = - (5 + 7) = - 12

Adding different signed free Integers:

Example 3:

2 + (-8)


The absolute value of -8 and 2 is 8 and 2. Put the larger number sign before the answer.

8 –2 = 6

Therefore, the solution for adding 2 + (-8) is -6.

Practice Subtracting Integers in Math

Example 4:

20 - (-8)


The absolute value of 20 and -8 is 20 and 8. Subtract the integers and put the larger number sign.

20 – (-8) = 20 + 8 = 28

Practice Multiplying Integers in Math

Multiplying same signed free Integers

Example 5:

3 × 6


The absolute value of 3 and 6 is 3 and 6. Put the same sign as it is in the given problem.

3 × 6 = 18

Example 6:

(-5) × (-5)


The absolute value of -5 and -5 is 5 and 5.

5 × 5 = 25

Put the same sign as it is in the given problem – 25.

Multiplying different signed free Integers:

Example 7:

(-6) × (8)


The absolute value of -6 and 8 is 6 and 8.

6 × 8 = 48

Put the negative sign if it is sign of one of the integer in the given problem. Therefore, the solution is -48.

Practice Dividing Integers in Math

Dividing same signed Integers:

Example 8:

36 ÷ 6


The absolute value of 36 and 6 is same. Therefore, the solution for dividing 36 ÷ 6 is 6.

Dividing different signed Integers:

Example 9:

42 ÷ -7


The absolute value of 42 and -7 is 42 and 7. Put the negative sign in the result, because there is a negative sign in front of the integers.

Therefore, the solution for dividing 42 ÷ -7 is -6.

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