Friday, November 16, 2012

Math and Multplication

Introduction to math multiplication:

Multiplication (symbol "×") is the mathematical operation of scaling one number by another. It is one of the four basic operations in elementary arithmetic (the others being addition, subtraction and division). (Source from Wikipedia)

For example:

2*4 = 2*2*2*2 = 8

Here we are going to study about different method s of multiplication in math and its example problems.

Example Problems for Math Multiplication:

Example: 1

Multiply the following integer



Here we have to perform simple normal math multiplication

2 3

4 6 *


1 3 8          (6 multiply with 23 we get 138)

9 2             (4 multiply with 23 we get 92)


1 0 5 8         (Add both the numbers we get final answer)


There fore the final answer is 1058.

Example: 2

Multiplication of binomial

(2x+3) (3x+3)


Here we have two binomial terms

First we take the first term 2x multiply with other terms

6x2 + 6x

Next term 3

9x+ 9

Combine the like terms we get

= 6x2 + 6x+ 9x+ 9

= 6x2+15x+9

Therefore the final answer is 6x2+15x+9

Example: 3

Multiplication of exponential

Solve 2x3y4.3x4.2y3


We know the multiplication property of exponents = a ( m+n)

Combine the like terms first

2x3 3x4 y4 2y3

2*3 x (3+4) .2y(4+3)

Simplify the above expression we get


Therefore the final answer is 6x7.2y7

Example: 4

Fraction multiplication

`(3/4)` * `(2/4)`

First we have to multiply the numerator

3*2 = 6

Next multiply the denominator we get

4*4 = 16

= `6/16`

The simplest fraction is `3/8`

Therefore the final answer is `3/8`

Example for Math Multiplication: 5

Find the area of rectangle with base 8 meter and height 6 meter.


We know that area of rectangle is multiplication base and height

Area = base * height

Substitute base and height value in the above formula we get

Area = 8 * 6 =48 meter square

Therefore area of given rectangle is 48 meter square.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Whole Number Word Problems

Introduction to whole number word problems

Whole number word problems are about the word problems that we work out with under many chapters in mathematics. Some of the chapters to solve whole number word problems are arithmetic operations, number system and many more. Whole numbers are the numbers that do not contains any decimal numbers fractional part or rational numbers. Working on whole number word problems will be simple and easier one.

Example of Whole Number Word Problems

A school consists of 4320 boys and 3840 girls. There are 983 teachers working in the school. What is the total strength of the school including the teachers?


Number of boys in the school        = 4 3 2 0
Number of girls in the school         = 3 8 4 0
Number of teachers in the school =     9 8 3 +
Total strength of the school    =  9 1 4 3
2.  The sum of the ages of Daniel and his brother David is 46 years. If the age of the David is 24 years what will be the age of the Daniel?


Let the age of Daniel be x years.

The age of his brother David = 24 years.

Sum of both of their ages =(x+ 24) years.

But this sum is given as 46years.

So x + 24 = 46.

x =46 - 24

x =22

Thus the age of the Daniel is 22 years.

3. Jack plays basketball and can sink the ball in the basket 80% of the time. If he takes 120 shots, how many did Jack will sink?


Jack can sink = 80%                                   

Number of shots attempted = 120

Total sink Jack made = 80% of 120

= `80 / 100` * 120

= 96 sinks

Practice Problems of Whole Number Word Problems

1. For a foot ball tournament 32 teams participated. Each team has 16 players and 2 coaches. Find the total number of players and coaches participated in the tournament.

2. The sum of the ages of Nancy and his sister Mary is 42 years. If the age of Mary is 19 what will be the age of the Nancy?

Answers for practice problem of whole number word problems.

Total members = 576
Nancy age = 23

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Degree of Polynomial Calculator


In arithmetic, a polynomial is an expression of finite length constructed from variables and constants, using only the addition, subtraction, multiplication operations, and non-negative, whole-number exponents. The maximum power of the variable in a polynomial is called the degree of the polynomial. A term with no variables is called a constant term and its degree is zero.I like to share this Polynomial Solver with you all through my article.

Find the Degree of Polynomial:


In polynomial the variable should not involve in division operation.

Ex: `x^2 -4x+7, x^3 +5x^2-x+6, ` it is a polynomial.

Ex: `x^2 -4/x+3/2,` not a polynomial.

General form for degree of Polynomial Calculator:

A polynomial function is a function that can be defined as,


Where n is a non-negative integer and `a_0, a_1,a_2,` ...,` a_n ` is constant coefficients.

First Degree of polynomial calculator:  

The first degree polynomial is the polynomial that has only one variable. The variable may be x, y or z and it is easy to find the value for the variable. The combinations of two first degree polynomials are called as second degree polynomial.

Second degree polynomial calculator:

In this equation 6x2+5x+2  the power of x is 2. so it is a second-degree polynomial or a polynomial of degree 2.


To solve the polynomial in calculator, first we have to enter the two polynomials then click anyone of the button like add, subtract, multiply, division and factor and the equivalent operation will be performed and answer will be displayed. Thus the polynomial calculator is shown below.

Example and Practice Problem for first and Second Degree Polynomial Calculator:

First degree polynomial calculator:

Example 1:

Determine the value for the first degree polynomial 2x+10 = 12.


The given first degree polynomial is 2x+10 = 12.

For the above polynomial, subtract 10 on both sides of the equation.

2x +10-10 =12-10

2x = 2

Divide by 2 on both sides of the above equation.

`(2x)/2 = 2/2`

x = 1

The value for the first degree polynomial 2x+10 = 12 is 1.

Second degree polynomial calculator:

Example 1

Find whether the given expression is a second degree polynomial or not.

(x - 1) (x - 2) = 0


Multiply two expressions in the left hand side,

(x - 1) (x - 2) = 0

x(x-2) -1(x-2) =0

x2 -2x -x + 1(2) = 0

x2 -3x +2 = 0

So, the highest exponent of variable x is 2.

So, the given polynomial equation is second degree polynomial equation.

Practice Problem for first Degree Polynomial:

1.Find the value for the first degree polynomial of 2x+ 5 = 6.

Answer: x= 1/2.

2.Compute the value for the first degree polynomial 4x+12 = 24.

Answer: x=3.

Practice Problem for Second Degree Polynomial:

1.    Find whether the given expression is a second degree polynomial or not.

(x - 10) (x - 5) = 0

Answer: The polynomial equation is second degree polynomial equation.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Lower Quartile

Introduction to lower quartile:

In descriptive statistics, a quartile is any of the three values which divide the sorted data set into four equal parts, so that each part represents one fourth of the sampled population. Lower Quartile is one type of quantile.In that quartile, the 25 % of data which lie in the lower half of the data set is called as lower quartile. We can also define it as the middle value of the lower half.

For example,

21, 5, 22, 33, 17, 36, 14, 42, 15, 35, 27

Arrange the data in ascending order,

5, 14, 15, 17, 21, 22, 27, 33, 35, 36, 42

In the above Data set,

15 is lower quartile.

Calculation of Lower Quartile:

Lower Quartile for Odd data set:

Let us see how to calculate the lower quartile of the data set that contains odd numbers.

Step1:  First find the median of the data set. The median divide the data set into upper and lower part.

Step2:  Find the median for lower part of the data set .That median is called as lower quartile.                    

Ex: Data Set: 8, 49, 53, 19, 45, 44, 11, 41, 47, 51, 39

Ordered Data set: 8, 11, 19, 39, 41, 44, 45, 47,49,51,53

Median (Mid value) =44

Lower part = 8, 11, 19, 39, 41

Upper part = 45, 47,49,51,53

Lower quartile (Median of lower part) = 19

Lower Quartile for Even Data set:

Let us see how to calculate the lower quartile of the data set that contains even numbers.

Step 1: Find the Median of the data set by calculating the average of the data set.

Step 2: Next in the lower part, find the median by calculating the average. That value is known as lower quartile.

Ex: Data set: 13, 6, 24, 33, 9, 38, 16, 46, 19, 53, 26, 65

Ordered data set: 6,9,13,16,19,24,26,33,38,46,53,65

Median: (24+26)/2= 25

Lower quartile:  (24+33)/2= 28.5

Practice Problems on Lower Quartile

Find the lower Quartile for the following;

1.   17,11,47,27,69,20,6,34,12,93,33

2.   7,4,18,23,30,20,14,36,41,11,48,64

Answer Key:



Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Compound Dependent Events

This page is based on compound dependent events which is a study under dependent events in statistics. In probability, an event is a one or more possible outcomes from an experiment. An event consisting of one or more simple events is called compound event. An event is called dependent event, if an event does affect the other event.

Compound Events Dependent - Examples

Ex 1: A bag contains 20 bulbs, in which 5 bulbs are defective bulbs. If 2 bulbs are taken at one by one without replacement, what is the probability of getting good and defective bulbs?


Let S be the sample space, n(S) = 20

Number of good bulbs = 20 - 5 = 15

A be the event of getting a good bulb, n(A) = 15

B be the event of getting a defective bulb, n(B) = 5

P(A) = `(n(A))/(n(S))` = `15/20`= `3/4`

Now 19 balls will be remaining in the box, so

P(B) = `(n(B))/(n(S))` = `5/19`

P(A and B) = `3/4` · `5/19` = `15/76`.

P(Good and Defective bulb) = `15/76` .

Ex 2: A jar contains 7 yellow candies, 5 green candies, and 8 blue candies. If 2 candies are taken one by one without replacement, what is the probability of getting yellow and green candy?


Let S be the sample space, n(S) = 7 + 5 + 8 = 20

A be the event of getting a yellow candy, n(A) = 7

B be the event of getting a green candy, n(B) = 5

P(A) = `(n(A))/(n(S))` = `7/20`

Now 19 candies will be remaining in a jar.

P(B) = `(n(B))/(n(S))` = `5/19`

P(A and B) =P(A) · P(B) = `7/20` · `5/19` = `7/76`

P(Yellow and Green) = `7/76`

Practice Problems

Pr 1: A bag contains 15 bulbs, in which 7 bulbs are defective bulbs. If 2 bulbs are taken at one by one without replacement, what is the probability of getting good and defective bulbs?

Pr 2: A jar contains 10 yellow candies, 6 green candies, and 4 blue candies. If 2 candies are taken one by one without replacement, what is the probability of getting yellow and green candy?

Ans: 1) ` 4/15` 2) `3/19`

Friday, October 26, 2012

Poisson Normal Distribution

Poisson normal distribution an Introduction:

Normal distributon:

In probability theory and statistics, the normal distribution or Gaussian distribution is an absolutely continuous probability distribution with zero cumulants of all orders higher than two.

Poisson distributon:

In probability theory and statistics, the Poisson distribution  (or Poisson law of large numbers) is a discrete probability distribution that expresses the probability of a number of events occurring in a fixed period of time if these events occur with a known average rate and independently of the time since the last event.

Poisson Distributon in Poisson and Normal Distribution:

The three basic assumptions on poisson distribution are as follows

The probability of one photon arriving in ?t is proportional to ?t when ?t is very small.

P(1;?t) = a?t for small ?t

where a is a constant whose value is not yet determined.

The probability that more than one photon arrives in ?t is negligible when ?t is very small.

P(0;?t)+P(1;?t) = 1 for small ?t

The number of photons that arrive in one interval is independent of the number of photons that arrive in any other non-overlapping interval.

Variance of the Poisson Distribution:

var(k) = E[k2] - E2[k] = at

Note that for a poisson distribution mean and the variance are equal .

Algorithm for poisson distribution:

Algorithm :Poisson random number:


Let L ? e-?, k ? 0 and p ? 1.


Generate uniform random number u in [0,1] and let p ? p × u.

while p > L.

return k - 1.

Normal Distribution in Poisson and Normal Distribution:

Description of normal distribution:

For any of situation in which the absolute value of a continuous variable is changed randomly from trial to trial.

The random improbability or random error.

Some properties of normal distribution Bell curve:

The curve will be Symmetric,

It will be unimodal,

The value will be extends to +/- infinity,

And the area under the curve is always one (it will be the fixed value).

The normal distribution bell curve is fully based on the mean and standard deviation functions.

These are some of the important points of  poisson and normal distribution.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Numerator of Fractions

Introduction to fractions

A fraction is a number that can represent part of a whole. A fraction consists two parts, a numerator and a denominator, the numerator represents the number of equal parts and the denominator represents number of equal parts make up a whole.

For example, `2/3` is a fraction. Here, the number above the fraction bar is called as the numerator (2) and number below the fraction bar is called as the denominator (3) of the fraction.

Here we are going to study about fractions

Sample Problems on Fractions

Here we are going to study about adding and subtracting fractions with same denominators and different numerators.

Example 1

`2/11` + `5/11`


Here the given problem is to add the fractions `2/11` and `5/11`

Notice that the denominators of both fractions are same, so we can just add the numerators.


`2/11 + 5/11` = `(2 + 5)/11`

= `7/11`

So, the sum of `2/11` and `5/11` is `7/11`

Example 2

`6/14 - 3/14`


Here the given problem is to subtract `3/14` from `6/14`

Here the denominators are same, so we can just subtract the numerators.

`6/14 - 3/14` = `(6 - 3)/14`

= `3/14`

Few more Sample Problems on Fractions

Here we are going to study about adding and subtracting fractions with different numerators and denominators.

Example 1

`2/5 + 1/4`


Here the given problem is to add `2/5` and `1/4`

Notice that the denominators are different in the given fractions and we cannot add the fractions directly. The given fractions can be added with the help of least common denominator.

The least common denominator of `2/5` and `1/4` is 20. Because, 20 is the least common multiple of the denominators 5 and 4.

So, the fractions can be re-written as,

`2/5` = `2/5` * `4/4` = `8/20`

`1/4` = `1/4` * `5/5` = `5/20`

Now the problem becomes,

`8/20 + 5/20` = `(8 + 5)/20`

= `13/20`

Example 2

`3/7 - 1/3`


Here the given problem is to subtract `1/3` from `3/7`

Notice that the denominators are different in the given fractions and we cannot subtract the fractions directly. The given fractions can be subtracted with the help of least common denominator.

The least common denominator of `1/3` and `3/7` is 21. Because, 21 is the least common multiple of the denominators 3 and 7.

So, the fractions can be re-written as,

`3/7` = `3/7` * `3/3` = `9/21`

`1/3` = `1/3` * `7/7` = `7/21`

Now the problem becomes,

`9/21 - 7/21` = `(9 - 7)/21`

= `2/21`