Showing posts with label Straight Line Equation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Straight Line Equation. Show all posts

Monday, August 13, 2012

Introduction to Solving Straight Line Equation

Introduction to Solving Straight Line Equation:

Straight line is a curve which has the same slope along its length. Basically  line is a series of points that extends in two opposite directions without end.There are many ways to solve the equations of straight lines. A straight line contains x-intercept, y-intercept and slope (m). An equation is a mathematical statement that two expressions are equal.
The general form of an equation of a straight line is
                                                     y = mx+b.
 Where m is the slope of the straight line and b is the intercept made by the straight line on y-axis.
If a Straight line passing trough two points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) then slope of that line is `(y2-y1)/(x2-x1)`
  • If two lines are parallel then their slopes are equal.
  • If two lines are perpendicular to each other then product of their slopes is equal to -1.
There are different forms of equation of a straight line which are given below :
  1. Slope-intercept form 
  2. Intercept form 
  3. Point-slope form 
  4. Two-point form
The descriptions of each method will be explained below with an example. 

Different Forms of Equation of Straight Line:

1. Slope - Intercept form of a Straight Line:
Statement: The equation of the straight line with slope 'm' and Y-intercept 'c' is y = mx+c
Proof: Let L be the straight line whose slope is m and which cuts off an intercept 'c' on the Y-axis Slope Intercept form
                   If P(x,y) is a point on the xy-plane, then
               P lies on L   => m = slope of L = (y-c)/(x-0)
                                      => y = mx+c
               Conversely, if P(x,y) satisfies the equation y = mx+c, then x = 0 => y = c.

2. Intercept form of a Straight Line:
Statement: The equation of the straight line which cuts off intercepts a and b on the X-axis and Y-axis respectively is`x/a+y/b=1`
Proof: The straight line L which cuts off intercepts a and b on the X-axis and Y -axis respectively meets these axis at A(a,0) and B(0,b) and therefore slope of the line = -b/a.
Intercept form
Hence, the equation of L , by the slope-intercept form is  `y= (-b/a)x +b` or `x/a+y/b=1` .
Example: Solve the Equation of straight line which makes intercepts whose sum is 5 and product is 6 
Solution : Let a and b are the intercepts made by the line , then 
given in the problem that a + b = 5 and ab = 6 
solving these equations we obtain a = 2 and b = 3 
Then, the required equation of the straight line is `x/2+ y/3=1` i.e 3x+2y-6 = 0
                                                                   or `x/3+ y/2=1` i.e 2x+3y-6 = 0

3. Point - Slope form of a Straight Line:
Statement: The equation of the straight line with slope m and passing through the point (x1,y1) is y - y1 = m(x-x1).
Proof: Equation of any straight line with slope m is of the form y = mx+c.
point slope form
This line passes through the point (x1,y1) is y1 - mx1 = c
Therefore, the equation of the line with slope m containing the point (x1,y1) is 
         y - mx=c = y1 - m1x1
    i.e y-y1 = m(x-x1)
Example: Solve the equation of straight line which has the slope -1 and passes through the point (-2,3) 
Solution: The slope of the given straight line m = -1 
and the point on the line is ( -2,3) 
hence the equation of the line is 
                           y-3= -1(x+2) 

4. Two-Point form of a Straight Line:
Statement: The equation of the straight line passing through the point A(x1,y1) and B(x2,y2) is
Proof: Let L be the Straight line containing the points A(x1,y1) and B(x2,y2) Two point form
Case 1: suppose L is  non-vertical. Then x1 ≠x2 and slope of L = `(y1-y2)/(x2-x1)`
Therefore, the equation of L is `y-y1 = (y1-y2)(x-x1)/ (x1-x2)`
 i.e  (x-x1)(y1-y2) = (y-y1)(x1-x2)     ……(1)
Case 2: If L is vertical , then x1=x2 and y1≠y1. Equation of L, in this case, is x = x1 [form (1)]
Example: Solve the equation of straight line which is passing through the point (1,-2) and (-2,3)
Solution: The slope of the line containing (1,-2) and (-2,3) is
               m= (3+2)/(-2-1) = -5/3
and hence equation is y+2=-5/3(x-1)
 i.e      5x+3y+1=0


Problem 1: The following equation are in slope-intercept form. In each case, specify the slope and  y-intercept.
i) y=2x+7   (Ans: slope = 2, y-intercept = 7)
ii)  y=−4x+2    (Ans: slope = -4, y-intercept = 2)    
iii)  2x+5y=15.    (Ans: slope = `-2/5` , y-intercept = 3)         
Problem 2: Find the equation of line passing through two points (2,3) and (5,6).
Ans: y = x+1.