Monday, February 25, 2013

What Does Mean in Math Terms

Introduction of mean in math terms:

In statistics, the mean key word refers to the value of the total values and the total value is made to divide with the number of terms present in the terms. The means also termed as arithmetic mean, which equals the value on the either side of the terms. The other terms are statistics are named as median and mode. The mean is simple term in the statistics to calculate the results.

Mean in math term:

The list of values in which its sum is made to divide through the total number of values present in the list is known as mean. The mean is also known as arithmetic mean. The terms mean and average are similar. The difference of the two means are nothing but the subtraction of the first mean vale with the another mean value.

Mean = sum of the values/total number of values

The mean of the grouped data is nothing but the two list of values are made to given on the question. In which the mean are calculated through the formulae of

Mean of grouped data = SfX / Sf

The SfX is nothing but the product of values present in the both list of elements, and the sum of the total lists are denoted.

The Sf is nothing but the sum of the values present in the second list of elements.

Example problems for mean in math terms:

Example 1:

Heights in centimeters of thirteen students are:

126, 127, 145, 140, 157, 149, 130, 136, 166, 129, 143, 134, 129


If we can find the mean, using the following formula in math:

Mean: sum of all values/total numbers

Mean= 1811/13


Answer: 139.307

Example 2:

The highest scores of the first ten players in ICC ODI are:



We can find the mean, using the formula found below in math terms

Mean = sum of all values/total numbers.

= 1864/10

Answer: 186.4

Friday, February 22, 2013

4th Grade Math Practice

Introduction to 4th grade math practice:

Study of arithmetic operation and numbers system is called basic mathematics. 4th grade math practice is nothing but, it is used to practicing some basic math operation. Math practice is used to growth our mathematical knowledge.

Addition, subtraction, division and multiplication are called basic arithmetic operations of mathematics. The 4th grade math practice is deals with basic algebra, in the 4th grade math practice is involves a basic math operation only. This article we are discussing about 4th grade math practice problems.

Basic addition problems for 4th grade math practice:

1. Find the total value of the given numbers, using addition operation, 455 + 266 + 767.


Given numbers using addition operation for, 455 + 266 + 767

First step, we are going to add the first two numbers,

455 + 266 = 721

Then add third number with first two numbers of sum values,

721 + 767 = 1488

Finally we get the answer for given numbers are 1488.

Basic subtraction problems for 4th grade math practice:

2. Find the subtract value of the given numbers, using subtraction operation, -60 - 750 – 224.


Given numbers using subtraction operation for, -60 - 750 – 224

First step, we are going to add the first two numbers,

- 60 - 750 = -810

Then subtract third number with first two numbers of subtracted values,

- 810 - 224 = -1034

Finally we get the answer for given numbers are -1034.

Basic multiplication problems for 4th grade math practice:

3. Find the multiply value of the given numbers, using multiplication operation, 20 * 12 * 8.


Given numbers, using multiplication operation for, 12 * 20 * 8.

First step, we are going to multiply the first two numbers,

12 * 20 = 240

Then multiply the third number with first two numbers of multiplied values,

240 * 8 = 1920

Finally we get the answer for given numbers are 1920.

4th grade math practice problems:

1. Find the add value of the given numbers, using addition operation, 55 + 26 + 74.

Answer is 155.

2. Find the add value of the given numbers, using addition operation, 31 + 26 + 69.

Answer is 126.

3. Find the subtract value of the given numbers, using subtraction operation, -54 - 7 - 16.

Answer is -77.

4. Find the subtract value of the given numbers, using subtraction operation, -5 - 7 - 22.

Answer is -34.

5. Find the multiply value of the given numbers, using multiplication operation, 2 * 5 * 9.

Answer is 90.

6. Find the multiply value of the given numbers, using multiplication operation, 6 * 5 * 2.

Answer is 60.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Answer Pre Algebra Questions

Introduction to answer pre algebra questions:

Pre algebra is a method of calculating the number system by different methods like linear equations and geometry methods. In algebra each and every systems has a common formula to explain its all concepts.
Pre algebra is a easiest number system where we can implement the techniques for any algebra calculations.
Pre algebra describes about the fraction, decimals, polynomials, ratios, geometry, measurements and integers and other number formats.

Example for answer pre algebra questions :

1)  solve the question:   g + 79 = 194


g + 79 = 194

g + 79 - 79 = 194 - 79 ( add -79 on both sides, we get)

g = 115.

2)    Solve:   n - 56 = 604


n - 56 = 604

n - 56 + 56 = 604 + 56 ( add 56 on both sides,we get)

n = 660

3)    compute:   `m / 5` = 10


`m / 5` = 10

5`(m / 5)` = 10(5) ( multiply by 5 on both sides, we get)

m = 50

4)    fine the value of s in the given question:   7s - 7 = 42


7s - 7  = 42

7s - 7 + 7 = 42 + 7 (  add 7 on both sides, we get)

7s = 49

(7s) / 7 = 49 / 7 ( divide by 7 on both sides, we get)

s = 7

5)    find:   5(h + 2) = 25


5(h + 2) = 25

[5(h + 2]/5 = 25/5 (divide by 5 on both sides, we get)

h + 2 = 5

h + 2 -2 = 5 -2 ( add -2 on both sides, we get)

h = 3

6)    The amount of twice a digit plus 13 is 75.  Find the number.


•    The word "is" represents equals.

•    The word "and" represents plus.

•    Therefore, we can rewrite the problem like the following:

•    The total of twice a number and 13 equals 75.

•     Using figures and a variable that denotes something, D in this case (for digit),

•    we can write an equation that represents the same thing as the given problem.

2D + 13 = 75

By solving this equation by isolating the variable.

2D + 13 = 75 Equation.

- 13 = -13 Add (-13) to both sides.


2D = 62

D = 31 Divide 2 on both sides.

So the number is 31.

Answer pre algebra questions: Practice problems

1) (9n 2 + 15n + 9) + (14n 2 + 12n + 8) = ?

Answer: 23n 2 + 27n + 17  (after solving the question)

2) (2a + b) + ( –a + 4b) = ?

Answer: a + 5b ( after solving the question)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Sunshine Math Answers

Introduction to sunshine math answers:-

SUNSHINE MATH, this course is planned to improve your child’s voyage from first to last in mathematics. It is a math fortification course offered by Somerset Academy. Mission of Sunshine Maths is to put forward each and every students the chance to defy themselves in all category of math conception by giving them additional learning activities.

Sunshine Math Word Problems with Answers:-

Prob 1 :

Ram can cut a piece of wood in to three pieces in 20 minutes. How long it takes for him to cut the piece of wood in to 6 pieces.

Sol :


Ram can cut a piece of wood in to three pieces in 20 minutes.

Find in how many minutes ram cut 6 pieces of wood.

3 pieces = 20 minutes. ------------> (1)

6 pieces = ? Minutes

6 is two times of 3.

So he takes double the time he took for cutting the piece in to three pieces.

The time taken to cut the wood in to three pieces is 20 minutes.

Double the times of 20 minutes is 40 minutes.

The time taken to cut the wood in to six pieces is 40 minutes.

Ans : 40 minutes

More examples:-Sunshine Math Equation Problems with Answers:-

Prob 2 :

When I was at the park I saw some girls and cats. Counting heads and legs I got 32 and 104 respectively. Find the total number of girls and cats in the park.

Sol :

Given there are totally 32 heads and 104 legs respectively.

The equation for head can be written as x + y = 32.

Let x – girls, y – cats.

The equation for legs can be written as 2x + 4y = 104.

By solving the above two equation we get

y = 20 and x = 12 .

Ans : The number of girls in the park is 12 and number of cats in the park is 20.

Prob 3 :

23 + 21 + 5+ 3 + 56 = 159.

Find the given expression correct or not.

Sol :

The given expression is 23 + 21 + 5+ 3 + 56 = 159.

The sum of numbers in right hand side is 106.

Ans : So the given expression is algebraically wrong .

Prob 4 :

13 + 41 + 51+ 32 + 34 = 171.

Find the given expression correct or not.


The given expression is 13 + 41 + 51+ 32 + 34 = 171.

The sum of numbers in right hand side is171.

Ans : So the given expression is algebraically correct.

Prob 5 :

3 + 1 + 5+ 32 - 34 = 11.

Find the given expression correct or not.

Sol :

The given expression is 3 + 1 + 5+ 32 - 34 = 11.

The sum of numbers in right hand side is 7.

Ans :So the given expression is algebraically wrong.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Prime Numbers 1-100

Introduction to prime numbers 1-100:

Prime numbers are the numbers it can be divided only by 1 and the number itself.Prime numbers cannot have any thing or factors except one and the number by itself. The +ve(positive) integers are divided into two such as prime numbers and composite integers.Totally there is  25 prime numbers between 1 and 100. So remaining are the composite numbers.

The numbers are like 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,71,73,79,83,89,97 are 25 prime numbers between 1 to 100.That twenty five prime numbers are in between 1-100 These numbers cannot be divide by any other number except 1 and the number itself.And the same is called prime numbers.

The prime numbers from 1-100

In the prime number composite numbers have thing or factors  compare than other is one and itself Except the 25 prime numbers between 1 to 100 all the other numbers are composite numbers.In that,the list of  composite numbers 4,6,8,9,10,12,14,15,16,18,20,21,22,24,25,26,27,28,30,32,33,34,35,36,38,39,40,42,44,45,46,48,49,50,51,52,54,55,56,57,58,60,


These were the composite numbers between 1 to 100.

Problems of prime numbers between 1-100

solving prime numbers 1-100:

Here we mentioned the prime numbers from 1 to 100 only

So many prime numbers are there.

Let us see some examples,

Example 1:

To determine the given number is prime or not :one hundred forty-three ?

The factors of 143 are 1, 11, 13,143

So here we have factors for 143 other than 1 and 143

So this is not a prime number

The remaining prime number compare than other numbers are called composite number

So 143 is a composite number

Example 2:

To determine the one hundred thirty-one is prime or not?


The factors of 131 is 1, 131

So here we don’t have any other factor except 1 and the number 131

So the number 131 is a prime number

Example 3

To determine the prime numbers between thirty to thirty-five?


30    - Factors  - 1,2,3,5,6,10,15,30 – Not a prime number

31    – Factors – 1,31 – Prime number

32    – Factors – 1,2,,4,8,16,32 –Not a prime number

33     - Factors  - 1,3,11,33  - Not a prime number

34     - Factors  - 1,2,,17,34 – Not a prime number

35     - Factors – 1,5,7,35 –Not a prime number

So from 30 to 35 we have only one prime number

31 is only prime between 30 to 35

Friday, February 8, 2013

Definition of Conclusion

Introduction on definition of conclusion:

The term definition of conclusion in maths is used to define us about the problem that we solve and when we produce the final result at the end then that stage of processes is called as conclusion. In this chapter let us discuss about the term definition of conclusion in detail with suitable examples and explanations.

Representation of Definition of Conclusion:

The final result that we produce or the result that we produce at the end of the sum is called as conclusion.

Example Problems Based on Definition of Conclusion:

Example 1: Based on definition of conclusion

Solve the given problem by giving a conclusion by finding the value of A if A=33/2?


Given: `A=33/2`

To produce an conclusion by finding the value of A

Step 1: The term division to found to be calculated in the given problem

Step 2: The conclusion or result will be given after finding the value of `A`

`A= 33/2`

`A= 16.5`

Hence, we conclude the problem by finding the value of `A=16.5`

Example 2: Based on definition of conclusion

Solve the given problem by giving a conclusion by finding the value of X if X=150/9?


Given:` X=150/9`

To produce an conclusion or result

Step 1: The term division to found to be calculated in the given problem

Step 2: The conclusion or result will be given after finding the value of `X`



Hence, we conclude the problem by finding the value of `X =16.66`

Exercise Problems Based on Definition of Conclusion:

Solve the given problem by giving a conclusion by finding the value of Z if Z=330/5?
Answer: We conclude the problem by finding the value of Z=66

Solve the given problem by giving a conclusion by finding the value of Y if Y=88/2?
Answer: We conclude the problem by finding the value of Y=44

Monday, February 4, 2013

Summation Math

Introduction for summation math:

Summation math is assumed to be the sequence form of addition. Summation is the process of combine a sequence of numbers by means of addition. The summation can be written as n1 + n2 + n3 + n4 + n5 + ……… nn. Summation math is a continuous function for one variable in closed interval. Summation  of an infinite series of value is not constantly possible. In this topic we will discuss the some examples  problems.

Summation Math Rules:

Summation of infinite numbers is called summation,

`sum_(n=1)^oo`  =  1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + ...... + `oo`

Summation Rules:

Summation of a number

`sum_(n=1)^oo` a = a + a + a + ...... a (infinite times) = a * (`oo` )

Summation of square of infinite number.

`sum_(n =1)^oo`  i2 = 12 + 22 + 32 + 42 + 52 + ….. n2 = `(n (n + 1) (2n + 1))/(6)`
Summation of cube of infinite number.

`sum_(n=1)^oo` i3 = 13 + 23 + 33 + 43 + 53 + ….. n3 = `(n^2 (n + 1)^2/4) `

`sum_(i=1)^n`  si = s1 + s2 + s3 + … + sn

(n times) = sn, where s is constant.

`sum_(i=1)^n` i = 1 + 2 + 3 + … + n = `(n (n +1)) /(2) `

Example for Summation Math:

Example 1: Determine the value of the summation math `sum_(n=1)^4` ` (3 + 4n)`


`sum_(n=1)^oo`  `= 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + ...... + n`

`sum_(n=1)^5` `(3 + 4n) = (3 + 4(1)) + (3 + 4(2)) + (3 + 4(3)) + (3 + 4(4)) `

`= (3 + 4) + (3 + 8) + (3 + 12) + (3 + 16) `

`= 7 + 11 + 15 + 19 = 52`

Answer: 52

Example 2: Determine the value of the summation math `sum_(n=1)^6` `(n + 1)^2`


Here, `(n + 1)^2`

`(n + 1)^2 = n^2 + 2n +1`

so, we wirte the summation as `sum_(n=1)^6` ` (n^2 + 2n+ 1)`

the summation, we get

`sum_(n=1)^6` `n^2` + `sum_(n=1)^6` `2n` +  `sum_(n=1)^6`

`= {12 + 22 + 32 + 42 + 52 + 6 ^2} + {(2 * (1)) + (2 * (2)) + (2 * (3)) + + (2 * (4)) + + (2 * (5)) + + (2 * (6))} + (1 * (6))`

= `((6 (6 + 1) ((2 * (6)) + 1))/(6)) + 42 + 6` 

`=91 + 42 + 6`

Answer: 139